Phantom’s Mask

Book II in the Chronicles of Avilésor: War of the Realms series


Cato and his lab-family had a difficult choice to make—stay in Phantom Heights as mercenaries to protect the very humans who betrayed him once before, or cross the Rip into Avilésor where Azar lurks in his dark fortress. Neither Realm is safe, and no matter where they go, they’ll be fugitives.

Cato thought he was ready to forget his past. But he has questions that need to be answered before he can truly move on. He can’t remember the accident that turned him into a half-breed, only a mysterious flash of green light. And his blood-family’s betrayal still haunts him. What did Agent Kovak tell his mother to make her disown him? And how did she explain his disappearance? Unraveling the twisted web of secrets and lies could put his lab-family in even more danger . . .


. . . and the only person in Phantom Heights who suspects his escape is desperate to make sure the truth stays buried.






"The brilliant second installment in the Chronicles of Avilésor: War of the Realms series shows Noë at her most inventive, bringing out her ability to combine paranormal science fiction elements with deep human sentiment . . . Cato’s story (as well his lab family’s) packs an enormous emotional punch, and this novel should be on the top in its genre."


"Phantom’s Mask by Sara A. Noë is a fascinating product of a wild imagination . . . Fans of the first book in the series A Fallen Hero will be more than pleased with this followup. Sara A. Noë continues to plumb the depths of her characters in Phantom’s Mask and readers will be delighted by it."

***Winner of the Literary Titan Gold Book Award***


". . . this series deserves so much praise! I really hope that these books take off because they contain such an amazing and unique story. It’s far from cookie cutter and there’s just so many different things done well for you to fall in love with."


"An engrossing new volume in the War of the Realms series . . . Every bit as exciting as the debut! Noë impresses once again with her imaginative world-building, vivid storytelling, and deeply convincing character dynamics."